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 – STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky - sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč, modeLOVE foto Jakub Šulc, foceno
– STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky – sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč, modeLOVE foto Jakub Šulc, foceno
 – STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky - sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500-,Kč
– STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky – sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500-,Kč
 – STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky - sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč
– STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky – sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč
 – STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky - sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč
– STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky – sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč
 – STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky - sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč
– STRUNY BASOVÉ magnetické šperky – sestava /cena jednotlivych komponentů je od 200,- Kč naušnice od 300,- Kč a nahrdelnik od 500,-Kč

O f f e r

Fashion and Garments
Author’s Fashion Shows
Cocktail Diva Rental
Consultations in Design

 F A S H I O N   A N D   G A R M E N T S

The part of my offer is that all the presented models are for sale as the original models or the author replicas of the models. A potential individualisation of the models or an adjustment for individual size or variations according to the client’s wish is possible.  Please see Gallery of Fashion and Gallery of Garments

A U T H O R ´S    F A S H I O N   S H O W S 

I am offering an individual performance show from 15 to 45 minutes, or a part of your program show. I can adjust the profile and style of the show to the style of the occasion. I am offering the existing fundus of the models or I can make models for a special topic and occasion.  c o-o    Please see Gallery of Fashion Shows

 W O R K S H O P S
I am offering a creative eco-design workshop. The program is targeted on the traditional processing and recycling of clothing and recycling of textile and other materials like. The attendants will be involved in the creation of clothing and interior garments. The program is supporting the individual and original creativeness. The course is apt for schools.  Please see the Gallery of Workshops

C O C T A I L   D I V A     R E N T A L
Newly developed service to  various social and festive occasions. I am offering very original and very famine solutions of the evening gowns based on the HAUTE COUTURE and GLAMOUR design and fashion principles. Universal design principle of the individual models enables individual processing of the design and form. The price of the model rent is negotiable based on the time of rent and the cost of the model individualisation.

 C O N S U L T A T I O N S   I N   D E S I G N
The part of my offer is consultancy before realising your own designs and intentions. I can assist you in the set up of your individual plans to obtain fashion, garments, interior furbishing and I can present you individual proposals before you start your own realisation.

In case of interest Please Contact Me